A bit about me..

Welcome to DeelaRenti Pilates! My name is Cammy Deelarenti and I am a certified Pilates/Barre instructor under the Balanced Body Pilates methodology. Like many who have an uncontrollable passion for fitness, I did the only logical thing; start a blog! 

So what is this blog about? Well, I’d love to make it really simple and easy and say DUH! this blog is about fitness. But as it turns out, that is WAY to broad of a subject. So I had to ask myself: What is fitness?

In a word? Different for everyone (OK three words).

Exercise means so many different things to so many different people. 

May it’s a tortuous 45 minute trip to the gym to get in shape for those itty-bitty bikini bottoms. Forcing out a 30 minute jaunt on the treadmill followed by the latest Pinterest ‘bikini bod weightlifting workout.’ Meanwhile, trying to ignore the sweat, pain and cacophony of strangers staring at themselves (and you) in the mirror; plus that bozo who keeps looking at your stats on the elliptical. Then off to meet a girlfriend for brunch. Phew!

Maybe fitness is kickboxing, or Karate, Maybe you Fence. Fitness is an ancient art and it is meant to serve a purpose; it is not used to reach a physical goal…it’s just rudimentary.

So what does Fitness mean to me?

Freedom. Calm. Peace. Being in touch with your body in a way no other past time achieves. Forgetting about all the stress and annoyance of day-to-day life, disappearing from the world for a little while. Paying attention 100% to you, yourself, and exactly what you want. Being in the moment. Feeling strong and invincible.

All of that.

Fitness means working out, yes, but it also means so much more. Fitness to me is a lifestyle.

Diet, having a peaceful mind, and abandoning judgement.

Learning how to take care of yourself.


Fitness is where I found my passion, but just because I follow this particular path, does not mean the topics I discuss can only be applied to Pilates. Not only this, but I don’t only talk about fitness! because fitness means so many different things to me, I feel it’s only fair to talk about them all!

So…Did you read anything that sounded interesting? If so, check out my blog! Maybe learn a thing or two, or leave me a comment and TEACH me a thing or two..I’m on a journey, here. I would never claim to know more than what is true for myself.


❤ Cammy







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